Round Table: Wix Multilingual Updates

We went live with the multilingual team and went over a lot of amazing features and upcoming updates. In case you missed it, here it is:

If you have any questions for the team, feel free to drop them below!

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Hello team :slight_smile:

I’ve got 2 questions:

I asked the Wix Store translation being available via the Corvid API. Do you have a rough estimate of when that will be available (1, 3, 6 months?)

Second question is: most systems use PO file to handle translation, is this something you are looking to provide in the future?

Because translation via Google is really nice for small structures but for larger clients, those translations need to done by professionals or might not be available when we are working on the website.

If not in PO file, would you have a feature to export/import all text eligible for translation as a CSV file?


Hi Quentin!
Oded here, from Wix Multilingual.

I will start with your second question,
We are working these days on advanced translation solutions which will allow additional ways to translate the site like, using alternative machines or professional services. We believe that translation is easier (and better) to make in context and this is why we will prefer these solutions over exporting CSV fils.
We are expecting to see these solutions available throughout this year.

For you first question, unfortunately, I don’t have a clear answer for this now. Using Multilingual via Corvid API on Wix Stores can have few different needs which each will have it’s own solution and time line. I’d be happy to update you here, the moment I have more information.


@odedga thank you for your answers

IMO, being smart isn’t always a good solution, even more, if it’s your first iteration. Working with industry-standard would help people onboarding your tools as well as easing your work (by relying on well know technology and not reinventing the wheels).
Then in a second iteration, bring more advanced tools on top of the basic functionality to build value.

I would rather have something simple that works over something advance that works half-way .

But that just an uneducated opinion :tired_face:. You have more expertise than me on the matter and I’m looking forward to seeing the result​:wink:

Thank you for the future updates

Actually your opinion is well educated :slight_smile:
Our plan is enabling an API to external translation services. That is not an easy one and would demand some collaborations, but we will get there :muscle:.

Will keep u posted

Hello the wix team,

The work you have done in 1 year on the multi-language module is really extraordinary. Bravo ! already because you have managed to set up a system that is really easy for the end user and the web designer that I am.

On the other hand, I have a problem and this in particular with “content manager” (wix data) which is still not translatable with wix multilingual and this generates 2 big problems:

  • The 1st as you have understood half of the site therefore remains in the original language

  • The 2nd is that SEO is very bad since Google analyzes the same text several times on the same site when the text cannot be translated which results in an internal duplicate content …

I really expect you to solve this so that "content manager " (Wix Data) can be compatible with Wix Multilingual

Thank you

Hey! Quick question on this topic: I noticed that the sitemap of the website does not include translated pages (and therefore, those pages are not ranking in google?), is this on purpose?

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I am also having a huge problem with this. Wix? any answers? you used to have them, you deleted them. WTH??