Progress bar and wix pro gallery

I have a Project Page with a Wix Pro Gallery slide showing some project images.
Is that possible to add a progress bar that increases or decreases its value after clicking on the navigation buttons (back and forth)?
My Wix Pro Gallery is connected to a CMS

Wix Studio Editor

What have you already tried:
I started with this… I know that is missing the onClick event, but I’m no good with codes yet… haha

let itemCount = $w(“#galleryoto”).items.length;
$w(“#progressBar1”).value = itemCount;
$w(“#progressBar1”).targetValue = 1;


I got some part of the code done:

It returns the total number of items(photo, videos) from the dataset of my progallery, now my progress bar has the targetValue:

$w(‘#mydataset’).onReady(() => {
let myitems = $w(“#progallery”).items.length;
$w(“#progressBar”).targetValue = myitems;
$w(“#progressBar”).value = 1;

My question now is how do I change the progressBar.value according to the item (image, video) displaying by the progallery?

I tried this code, but nothing happens:

export function progallery_change(event) {
$w(“#progressBar”).value = + 1;

I still trying here, but if you guys could help me, will be great!
