The website I run has a membership component to it that guests can purchase. The problem with the way that we have membership set up through WIX subscriptions is that it only asks for a 1-time set up fee. We use that fee to offset the cost of WIX’s online transaction fee as we are a non-profit. Guests are informed of this fee at checkout so they are aware. The problem becomes at the renewal period as our first renewal period is coming up. Right now, the settings are in place for the membership to automatically renew, but to not charge the member a fee as the only WIX option I see in the subscriptions is for a 1-time set up fee. Is there a way to make guests pay that fee every time there is a charge like a renewal? Or, is there a way to perhaps make the subscription not automatically charge guests and for it to require guests to renew their subscription to their membership?
WIX Studio Editor
What are you trying to achieve:
Make it so renewal subscriptions are not automatic so that guests have to go to the website and enter their information again to renew. We prefer to not have the subscription be automatically charged to their accounts.
What have you already tried:
[Share resources, forum topics, articles, or tutorials you’ve already used to try and answer your question.]
Additional information:
Settings are currently set for the membership subscription to renew with a 1-time setup fee. We have made this fee to include the fees we get charged for online credit card processing.