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I am going to add a rating function to Wix service site and I need help on how to do it. I have searched the video and tried to find a way, but it’s all demo and not the way I want.
I want users can submit reviews and rating and they can see the overall rating of the service. The idea is clear, but due to the lack of Wix experience I can’t even edit the current service page. I am open to anyone’s voice who has a similar experience.
I am STUCK right now and really WANT your HELP.
Thank you first
We have an amazing step by step detailed tutorial on how to implement ratings and reviews for your products ( you can open the site that is used in the example in the Editor to work with the template in the meantime and follow the tutorial ! ):
Wix Community offers you a video tutorial:
If you are stuck during the process - feel free to contact us with specific issues you are facing and attach a code snippet/section that you are having troubles with.
thanks for your reply. Actually I found it https://support.wix.com/en/article/corvid-tutorial-adding-ratings-and-reviews-to-a-wix-stores-site and now implement it in the booking system.
By the way, How can I get the selected item in the booking detail page. I want to show ratings here? What I mean is how to implement this code snippet :
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’;
let product;
$w.onReady(async function () {
product = await $w(‘#productPage1’).getProduct(); initReviews();
in current booking system.
Thank you in advance.