Hello guys,
My website is like a job board website, with a process that has, no many, but a few steps.
So I used the code “WixUsers.emailUser” to create notifications about the processes.
I get the userid from the privatedatabase and everthing is fine, working very well.
and then, all of the sudden, it stopped working, but thats ok, I just got to figure out whats wrong, right?
So when the code stopped to work, I didn’t simply stopped sending emails. I started sending emails to the wrong address. thats the part I can’t understand.
the code I’m using to test the problem right now is this:
import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’ ;
export function button29_click ( event ) {
let text = “Test”
wixUsers . emailUser ( ‘SaQq1oX’ , “81d8471c-de89-47ef-9c68-453ceff9d5e7” , { variables : { nomedacampanha : test }})
. then ( () => {
console . log ( “email has been sent” )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
console . log ( “there was an error sending the email” )
} );
As you can see, the user " 81d8… " is a hotmail account, and the " f483 …" is a Gmail account. I doesn’t matter what user I put in the code, the email will go to the Gmail acount. I’m not saying that the code only workes for the user " f483… ", I’m saying that even if I put the user " 81d8… " the email will STILL GO TO THE GMAIL ACCOUNT, is the freakest thing, I have absolutely no idea of whats going on.
Somebody has any inside about this?
and yes, before anyone asks, I tested with every single person registered as a member, It doesn’t matter, the email always go to the Gmail account registered to the user " f483… "
Thanks in advance.