wixUsersBackend.emailUser not working

I have a couple of functions that I created on the server side that I used to send a triggered email to certain users. It was working wonderfully UNTIL I transferred the entire site to a new owner. Previously, the site was under my own name. I have now transferred it to the final owner.

Here’s the story: I have a form that, when submitted, I send a triggered email to a member who is not the current user. I have created a backend function that uses wixUsersBackend.emailUser to send the email.

Here’s the problem: these emails are not being sent out. From the console, I get success, but no emails are sent to this non-current user person UNLESS, when testing, I log into the website and submit the form using my old email address that was used before I transferred the site. In that case, the person who submitted the form gets TWO emails (the correct one plus the one meant for the non-current user). the non-current user gets the correct email. The non-current user never gets an email otherwise.

Here’s my attempts to solve (but failed): Thinking the transfer has done something, I completely recreated the triggered email templates. I have validated all the parameter data sent to wixUsersBackend.emailUser.

I am at a loss. Is there another way to troubleshoot this? I am also running out of time to get this website into production. Please help!

Code snippets:
// Send head’s up email to common ARC email address
let templateData = {
firstName: $w( “#firstName” ).value,
lastName: $w( “#lastName” ).value,
prjShortDesc: $w( “#prjShortDesc” ).value
eMailARC( “ARCRecieved” ,templateData)
.then (result => {
console.log( "eMailARC results: " + result);


export function eMailARC(template, templateData) {
// get the contact ID of the ARC lead to send the email to.
wixData.query( “Members/PrivateMembersData” )
.eq( “loginEmail” , “xxx@xxx.com” )
.then( (results) => {
/ /NOTE: I have validated the above query above returns the desired data
wixUsersBackend.emailUser(template, results.items[0].contactId,{
variables: {
firstName: templateData[ “firstName” ],
lastName: templateData[ “lastName” ],
prjShortDesc: templateData[ “prjShortDesc” ]
.then( () => {
//NOTE: When running in preview, this message is displayed. but no email
console.log( “successfully sent notification email to ARC” );
return “Email Sent”
. catch ( (err) => {
return JSON.stringify( "email send error: " + err);
. catch ( (err) => {
return JSON.stringify( "query error: " + err);

Steve G.

I suspect that this issue is not related to code, but has something to do with the site itself. Contact Wix Customer Care to report this issue and get assistance.

Thank you! I will do that immediately.