▷ Rearrange the "Page" tab

Good morning all !

I haven’t seen anyone talk about this topic on the forum, so I’m starting!

It would be interesting to be able to rearrange the layout of the pages in the “page” tab. When you have a website with multiple Wix pages, as is the case with my Wix site, I find it very annoying that I can’t rearrange it all.

Here is an example that I have prepared to make you clearer on this:

If you like this idea, don’t forget to click “Like” so that the wix x editor team can see it!

Thanks <3


I would also like to see this. Also would be great to add a hierarchy structure such as sub-menu items for large websites.

Indeed! Even I’m waiting for this feature!

This should not even be a feature request, it should be there on day one. This is a fairly basic requirement.

Hi @lukasjacqueline ,

Thanks for your great suggestion. Currently there is no option to rearrange pages, but we are working on adding this feature as we know this is a common feature request people ask for.

Please stay tuned for updates and let us know if you have any other ideas or feedback for us!

It would be great if we could add folders to store pages of the same type, for example

First image is what we have now, 2nd is with add section, 3rd uncollapsed and 4th is collapsed

Hey @jeffreygillespie18 !

Your idea is just fabulous! A “folder” system to implement in the drag and drop system that I mentioned above in illustration would be excellent!
The user experience is really to be reviewed on this side on the editor! Can’t wait to see this feature (which should actually be something obvious… ) arrive on this editor very quickly !

Hello wix team, do we have any news regarding the reorganization of the “page tab” ? :grin:

Still no news on that? :roll_eyes::tired_face:

Still no news?! It’s been 2 years…

Hello Wix team? Any news? New feature additions are so slow… I’m so disappointed to see the competition overtaking wix… so behind

Hey @charlotte and @lukasjacqueline ,

The team is working on many updates and we know this has been a big one you’ve been asking about. Can’t give an exact ETA but this feature should be coming in the upcoming months and some other updates to the pages panel.

Great, This is becoming a BIG annoyance as I am building a bigger project, and it’s getting impossible to manage the pages!

  • Enable arrangement: by name, date, custom,
  • Add folders, subfolders
  • Add option to use /folder/ in the URL
  • Kill the box in front of the name, it’s useless

Thank you


I have nothing else to add. I fully agree with what you have just listed. Glad the Wix team is working on this tab. I hope we will not be disappointed during the redesign of the tab page

Custom Page Sorting and Grouping really need to be added ASAP. As someone has said, anything above 5-10 pages and it becomes a nightmare to manage a site…

I’d also suggest adding a special ‘dormant’ pages group , whereby any pages dropped therin are taken out of the live site structure altogether in one single action (drag drop), but can still be worked upon for addition back into the live site pages group at a later date.

This feature is much needed.
Is there an ETA yet?

No ETA but it is being worked on. Hopefully it’s out soon.