reCaptcha integration

Presently we are using wix built-in reCaptcha and sending it’s token as the payload to “test” api.

We have added backend code as follows for token authorization,

export function processSubmissionRequest(submissionRequest) {
let errorResponse = {}
return wixCaptcha.authorize(submissionRequest.token)
.then(() => {
return wixData.insert( ‘formSubmissions’ , submissionRequest.form)
. catch (error => {
errorResponse.status = ‘error’
errorResponse.type = ‘insertion error’
errorResponse.message = Error: database collection insertion failed: ${error}
throw errorResponse
. catch (error => {
if (error.type === ‘insertion error’ ) {
throw error
errorResponse.status = ‘error’
errorResponse.type = ‘authorization error’
errorResponse.message = Error: reCAPTCHA authorization failed: ${error}
throw errorResponse

But it’s throwing the below error,

“timestamp”: “2021-03-30T10:19:35.572596+02:00”,
“status”: 400,
“error”: “Bad Request”,
“exception”: “io.kevlarr.recaptcha.exception.InvalidRecaptchaTokenException”,
“message”: “The given recaptcha token is invalid. Reasons: invalid-keys”,
“path”: “/email/test”,
“message-key”: “invalid-recaptcha-token”

3rd party api provider is asking for “site-key / secret-key” , which we are not generating here.
So they are asking how they could consider it as valid-token generated from wix.

Please guide us on the same, it would be helpfull to proceed with the further procedure.