Preface: I am not versed in very much coding at all, so I have relied fairly heavily on WIX’s solutions and other people’s ideas.
I am trying to figure out how to reference a site member’s personal (private) page on a repeater that shows items that have been created through a user generated form.
The form collects information through user input fields about current projects that site members are doing, then displays them on a dynamic collection page (and item pages obviously).
The repeater displays the name of the project, as well as a photo, the creator, the date(s), location, and a brief description. (Also a button to view the item page).
I need the “creator” text (which is technically a button) to link to the member who created that project’s personal profile page.
I tried hooking up the Members/PrivateMembersData dataset on the dynamic collection page and connected the “creator” button to that dataset, filtered to the user who created the item, but then I realized you can only hook up an element to one dataset at a time, and I also need the button to display the text from a certain field in my “projects” dataset. Before I went any further I thought I’d ask if there’s a better way to do this.
So really, all I want is for a button to display text from one dataset, while navigating users to a page referenced from another dataset.
I’m sure you can do this with code or maybe even without, but I just don’t know how.
Many thanks in advance if you do!