Remove "Add to Cart", "Buy Now", "Product Description", "Variants" , "SKU" gaps from product page of Wix Store.

I have created a product page, where I don’t want to display the above mentioned details, so I hid those elements in settings of product page. But the gap is still present [Screenshot]. I would like to remove that gap as well.
Is there any way I can remove this gap?!

I’m not sure how your elements are situated, but normally the collapse function would slide those lower placed elements up and eliminate the gap.

On the productpage of Wix store, there’s only one element #productPage1

How can I collapse just those elements? I’ve hidden them in settings of the product page.

Sorry, I took your words “I created a product page” to mean that you created a custom product page and not the stores built-in one.

Does anyone figure it out? or maybe is there a way to add an element inside the productpage element?

Currently, I have added an element over the productpage element. That means irrespective of the productpage element’s content, the other element is going to be visible in that same place.

Attaching two screenshots for your reference:
As you can see in the first image, the button is in the blank space and it fits perfectly. But actually the element “Enquire Now” is above the productpage element. So if the Heading characters increase, the button doesn’t shift down.

Please help if we can remove the gap or if i can fix this element IN productpage element.