Is there any way to remove price information for free bookings (e.g. “no fee” appointments) throughout the entire booking process?
Currently, even though a service is free, there is still a $0 charge shown in the confirmation page, which could potentially confuse customers. Why can’t this “price” be hidden?
+ Why are Bookings being forced to be “Products”?
Wix Editor
What are you trying to achieve:
I would like to hide price information for free appointments in every step of the process. Currently, it is still shown in the “Thank you” page since it is shared with Wix Stores for whatever reason.
What have you already tried:
I have set the price of the appointment to “Free”.
Additional information:
My company has set aside a very limited space for a showroom for the furniture products we offer and we are located in an area where we do not expect walk-in customers.
As such, we want to make use of Wix Bookings to allow customers to schedule free appointments to visit our showroom so that we can stand by a staff member to attend to them.
Since money is not directly relevant to the context of such appointments, I don’t think I want customers to even see the $0 “charge” as it doesn’t look good for branding.
To understand what I’m getting at, imagine scheduling a job interview only to be told that “you’ve been charged $0 for this times lot”. It’s not misleading nor false, it would just beg the question “Why was I told this?”