Would like ability to remove, hide, blend, etc. the white vertical scroll bar (on right side of webpage), which is especially distracting when using a dark background or photo or video on the landing or home page.
Have seen the vertical scroll bar successfully removed on other platforms (e.g. Squarespace, WordPress, Format, Shopify, etc.) and the resulting image is clean and stunning – more like experiencing a sweeping 16:9 widescreen movie opening scene than viewing a “regular” webpage.
This feature - alone - makes competitors’ platforms more attractive than Wix for creatives who understand the value of a dramatic and visually-stunning first impression.
Attached screenshot example from one of my websites (live Wix website with scrollbar) and desired (Photoshop edit to illustrate without scrollbar). Best to view images in 16:9 full-screen on computer to see the difference. Thanks!
Here are some other examples without the vertical scrollbar breaking up the view. Cannot currently do these with Wix or Editor X:
And here is an example of one of my existing Wix websites, with the distracting white vertical scroll bar that Wix does not currently allow to remove:
Thanks for the link, Ricardo. I tried the suggested code in that post several months ago but had no success. Did you post this link to show that others have also looked into this but no solution from Wix?
Here are some additional examples created on other platforms without the vertical scrollbar breaking up the view. Cannot currently do these with Wix or Editor X:
no i genuinely thought of it as part of the solution or a start v’:
@ryan40730 if you are still interested, there’s this user named David from SKmedia who happens 2 be a Corvid Master and if you visit his site at skeptischmedia.com you’ll notice (UPDATE: well heck now there’s nothing, empty domain l:" but there was, trust me) he managed to change his main scrollbar (by styling it) and even hide it in his tutorial subpages. He’s the only one i’ve seen who has managed to do so but has given no further info about it, nor there is any other answer in the whole Corvid forum (trust me i already looked for it) or Reddit forums about Wix.
Perhaps you could e-mail David (the Corvid Master) and ask him directly about it.
Overflow in Wix is… quite a headache so : i understand your frustration. Tho i once read someone from the Team commenting that they’d work soon on it.
Thanks Ricardo! Will reach out to David and see if he can help with a solution. Will update you and this post if I can find any success.
@ryan40730 Thank you in advance. Please do so (if David indeed does respond you).
Ensure the Overflow Content setting is set to Hide for all your sections. That’s what did it for me. Hope that helps. Here’s a sceenshot: