I want to remove vertical scrolling from my site how do i go about it

my site show two different scrolling feature the horizontal and vertical scrolling
i want to get rid of the vertical scrolling

wix studio

What are you trying to achieve:
[Explain the details of what you are trying to achieve. The more details you provide, the easier it is to understand what you need.]

What have you already tried:
i have tried watching videos online and also checking around until i had to meet up with the forum

Additional information:
the vertical scrolling shows on all pages so i need a step by step process to get rid of it

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@Akinmade_Jayjay Hi there! Are you referring to the side scrollbar being visible or just removing the capability for a site visitor to scroll vertically?

Aside the side bar i have another bar beneath the live site and whenever i scroll the leftover spaces turn out blank