Hi everyone,
I need assistance on 2 following things. One of them i assume will be easy other might be complicated.
I am making Leaderbord, and i am displaying RANK position or in other words repeaters total amount(in this case 30repeater rows). How i can make text object to display RANK number. 1st repeater should display 1, 2nd repeater 2 and etc.
Action is happening in Members Area. Every member has entires in one database. All the information could be collected at once. In leaderbord there are Points. I would love to have text field displaying how many points away “you are” apart Nr.1 position, apart Nr2 position and etc. So in Database there is value called pointsTotal. My logic tells to me this: pointsTotalRepeaterRow1 - pointsTotalMemberData = Result and so forth against each rank(row). I can imagine this is possible but could be complicated.
Thanks anyone for their input!