When we talking about same repeater. There is ranking system #1, #2 and etc.
Now i need to make text object in repeater which display repeater number. Dataset is filtered by value “totalPoints” and Z-A sort. So i need that repeater displays ranking as number or in other words “display repeater row count”
Text object which displays rank named #rankNumber
Thanks again @ahmadnasriya
Hi there
You can use the index of the repeater.
$w('#repeater').onItemReady(($item, data, index) => {
$item('#itemIndex).text = Number(index+1).toLocaleString();
Hope this helps~!
Nice this works totally fine!! Only small things how do i make so it starts from #1 not from #0? First row is displayed as 0 now
I’ve updated the answer above …
10/10 to Ahmad again. Thank you! Case is closed.