I’ve seen many posts in the forum about repeater elements freezing or crashing, and the only solutions in the forums here is to create pagination or limit the number of items presented. However, I want to list 500+ items, but once i get to about 50 items, the repeater element just about freezes. Has anyone found a solution to this? I find it a little slow with just 20 items.
Any help/pointers?
Hello WixUser,
yes indeed the repeater is a very sensible Wix-element.
And yes, in most cases 20-items are already enough to slow down a repeater, but this depends on how much data you put into a repeater.
For example if you are using pictures, this will slow down imediately your repeater if the pics have big data-size.
There are many ways to improve the performance of a repeater.
Like you already mentioned, one of this improvement-possibilities is the pagination of repeater. And like i mentioned, you should compress all your pics before interacting with repeater. Try to save every KB (data-size) of every element which the repeater deals with.
If you wanna show more then just 20-items on a page, perhaps it would be a better idea to use a table.
You can also activate the Caching on the page where your repeater is located, this can improve the performance of repeaters too.
Hi russian-dima,
Pagination is not an option for me, the repeater is pretty slow when using just text too! I found some wordpress sites that list off a 100+ list of text and images and the loading is seemless. Basically, I am trying to create something that looks like the below link in Wix, and it doesn’t seem like theres a way to do it efficiently:
http:// chemlabs.princeton .edu/macmillan/publication
(had to introduce spaces in link or Corvid wouldn’t let me post!)
Anyone have any ideas how to design something like that?
Hello again,
you can do something in this direction like it is shown here in your example…
U can create a unfinite repeater which loads more and more items by scrolling down to the end of the page.
Like it seems, this technique is also used in your example.
When go to the bottom of the page, new elements are loading (repeater grows up) for example from 10-items to 12 or 15-items.
This function is given and is called —> loadMore-command
To fire it up when scrolling down your page you will need —> onViewportEnter-command.
When i started here with wix on my very beginning, i had to struggle the same problem with repeater and their slow performance.
Here you can see an example of it…
You will find the option AUTO-SCROLL, which will activate the auto-load-function.
(When item touches the bottom of the page, it will be activated).
But i am note sure if it could be the end-solution, because the more items are loaded onto the stage (page), the slower will get the repeater anyway.
Another more improved version of this repeater you can see here, but without the scroll-option. This example uses repeater-pagination…
With the method you mention, if i were to search the page for some text, it would not be able to search all 500 elements because they have ‘not loaded’ yet. In the example that I listed from Princeton, I can search the entire page for text no problem though, so I’m not sure if that page uses a slow loader like you mention?
I found this page: https://www.test.enhancement.studio/elem-repeater from this thread: https://www.wix.com/corvid/forum/community-discussion/ways-to-speed-up-a-repeater-displaying-information
How would i do this in Wix?
Sorry, i do not know how it was maden, perhaps you ask Quentin Plomteux?
He surely can help you.
Perhaüs ypu also have seen this post here. This could also be an alternativ way to go…
Thanks russian-dima,
I dont know how to contact a user directly? I only posted in his thread. I did see the site you mentioned, but the demo was only for 6 items, im not sure how well this method would work for 500 items?
Perhaps Quentin has some more informations about himself in his profile, take a look.
I do not know how good the last repeater-example is in practice. You can give it a try and test it out.
But as you could see, there are always possibilities given to solve a problem, you have just to search for solutions
J.D. is at the moment here in forum, perhaps he can help you better.
I dont know how to contact J.D. either, there seem to be no contact options in peoples profiles. I see that there are solutions, just need a little help to figure out how to do it! Thank you very much for your time russian-dima!
I am sure J.D. or someone other will give you a hint into the right direction, or even will make you a little example for your issue.
I am not so familiar with repeater, it would take a bunch of time, if i would search for a solution.