Hi I just starting experiencing this today.
All my links in my repeater are using the data from the last element in the array set on the repeater.
Has anyone experience that glitch? It used to work fine a few days ago.
const refProd = await wixData . queryReferenced ( “Youtube_Videos” , itemObj._id , “newField” )
if ( refProd.totalCount > 0 ) {
$w ( "#columnStrip1" ). expand ()
$w ( "#columnStrip1" ). show ()
$w ( '#listRepeater23' ). data = refProd.items ;
$w ( "#listRepeater23" ). onItemReady (( $item , itemData ) => {
console . log ( itemData )
$item ( "#thumbnai31" ). src = itemData.mainMedia ;
// $w("#thumbnai31").link = itemData.productPageUrl;
$item ( "#text128" ). text = itemData.name ;
$w ( "#MoreButton3" ). link = itemData.productPageUrl ;
I was also experiencing the same type of issue when trying to render elements based on a condition from the itemdata field.
Update: i was using $w instead of $item… live and learn thanks to the kind people over on Discord!