Repeater not showing data

I have a repeater that I want to fill with data using a simple query. The correct number of records show so I know it is pulling the data. In addition, I hard coded the primary key and all the data shows properly in the console. I am following this:

There are 5 records showing in the repeater:

The console shows the correct data:

And these are the code blocks that pertain:

    .eq("studentId", "f253a477-65fe-45f0-8b50-eecb0f91a7bd")
    .then((results) => {
        if(results.totalCount > 0) {
            console.log("Payment Schedule results:", results.items);
            let items = results.items;
            //let item = items[0];
            //courseID = item.courseId;
            $w('#repeaterPayments').data = results.items;

    .catch( (err) => {
        console.log("Error:", err.message);
     } );
     $w('#repeaterPayments').onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
        $item("#txtDate").text = itemData.billingDate;
        $item("#txtAmount").text = itemData.invoiceAmount;

I have triple checked the names of the fields as well as the names of the text items and both come up in the autofill feature. I was hoping another pair of eyes would see what I missed. Thank you.

Problem solved. Both fields need to be converted to strings for it to display…

let DATABASE = "PaymentSchedule";
let FIELD1 = ; // <-- fill in here DATABASE-FIELD-ID-1 !
let VALUE1 = ; // <-- fill in here your wished value for field-1...
let FIELD2 = ; // <-- fill in here DATABASE-FIELD-ID-2 if existing !
let VALUE2 = ; // <-- fill in here your wished value for field-2 if existing...
let FIELD3 = ; // <-- fill in here DATABASE-FIELD-ID-3 if existing !
let VALUE3 = ; // <-- fill in here your wished value for field-3 if existing...

$w.onReady(async function() {console.log("Page is ready!");
    let resData = await get_specificData(DATABASE, FIELD1, VALUE1);
    // or...
    let resData = await get_specificData(DATABASE, FIELD1, VALUE1, FIELD2, VALUE2);
    // or..
    let resData = await get_specificData(DATABASE, FIELD1, VALUE1, FIELD2, VALUE2, FIELD3, VALUE3);

    console.log("RESULT-DATA: ", resData);

// This function can be used to do custom FILTRATION... (max. 3-fields / 3-values)...
async function get_specificData(DATABASE, FIELD1, VALUE1, FIELD2, VALUE2, FIELD3, VALUE3){
    let query = wixData.query(DATABASE);  
    if(FIELD1) query = query.eq(FIELD1, VALUE1)
    if(FIELD2) query = query.eq(FIELD2, VALUE2)
    if(FIELD3) query = query.eq(FIELD3, VALUE3)
    return query.find()
    .then((res)=>{return (res.items);}).catch((err)=>{console.log(err);});

Take a look onto the related RESULTS.

Ok, anyways → improve your coding technique :wink: