Responsive behavior and scale proportionally breaks on wide format window. How can this be resolved?

Responsive behavior and scale proportionally breaks on wide format window. How can this be resolved?

Even if you did not mention which Wix-Editor you are using → it sounds like an issue from Wix-Studio-Editor. Am i right?

There were already a lot of posts, which describes this kind of problem.

Wix Studio - yes. Do you mind pointing me to one that resolves this issue?

Well the issue is a WIx-Plattform issue lik it seems to be.
But i do not use Wix-Studio (in my eyes it is still a beta-version), so i can’t give you 100% answer of how to resolve → but where a problem —> there a solution (or at least a WORKAROUND).

Maybe this one can help you out…

You can use this, to load another designed page (especialy just for WIDE-SCREENS) running by code.

Setting the Max Width of your Studio site is in the plans. You can add your vote here @user1552

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I make sure I have set all the correct min/max settings on elements. Stack items together and add padding and margins. This will help with the issue. I also add larger breakpoints to reduce the problems.

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@user1552 It sounds like you may be interested to know that max-width has begun rolling out! :raised_hands: This will help on those larger, wider screens. See the announcement here!