REST API Booking a COURSE and EComm adding order

I am using the Wix REST APIs. I am trying to Book a member for a Course via REST APIs.

To create the Booking, I am using the Bookings v2 - Create Booking
I am creating the booking successfully, but it is saying that there is no order attached. And the documentation says to use EComm APIs.

This is the problem that I’m trying to solve.

I am using the Ecomm API to Create Order:

  1. I cannot find the catalogItemId for the Course offering. To find it, I created an online order and used the Rest API to Get Order and found the GUID. There has to be a better way.
  2. This is not “attaching” the order to the booking. How do I relate these two things to complete the process?

Hi, this is Carmel from Wix Bookings.
I’m forwarding you the responses from our dev team:)

  1. CatalogItemId is the created booking id
  2. Once you pass the booking id as the catalogItemId it will connect between the two entities.
    Please let me know if we’ve helped resolve the issue or if you need further assistance.

Thank you!
Carmel and the Wix Bookings team