Search tools

Hi all,
I am wanting to know how to create a search tool that allows someone to search certain criteria 's for certain specifics? Can this be done via multiple drop down boxes which allows your search to be a more specific search for what one is looking for?

As an example, Someone is seraching for a specific job, in a specific State, Country, industry and wage limits, Searching a persons profile for a specific requirement such as a vacancy in a business.


Yes, you can do so by WiX code.
Using dropdown value as a trigger to search something.
Here are some reference,


Good luck,

Hi Heson,
Thanks for sending this. I dont under stand code unfortunately, Could you explain where I put this and how this will behave on a webpage?

You can read the article How to Use Code to Let Your Users Search a Collection to learn how to search a database collection using queries and filters.

You will need to familiarize yourself with basic coding concepts to accomplish what you want. There are a wealth of Javascript coding sites which will help you learn Javascript from basic to advanced - is a good one. The Wix Code Resources page provides tutorials, examples, and articles on getting the most out of Wix Code. We are happy to get you pointed in the right direction, but you’ll need to take it from there. As questions or difficulties arise, we are here to help.

Have fun, and good luck,
