Searchable Repeater?

Hello, I have been using Wix for a while now, and have created multiple Repeaters with images/text.
So…to help my customers find the text in the repeaters easier, I wanted to add a search bar.
I tried using the Wix search bar, but it wouldn’t actually search the repeaters.

Can I use Corvid to make a search bar that searches the repeaters?

Any suggestions, tips, links, or comments would be helpful.

Also, if there is an alternative answer to my problem, I’d be open to hear the idea!
Best Regards,

your plan is customers when type in searchbar, the repeater will show just the correct image?

If you don’t need your repeaters to be connected to a collection, then you probably shouldn’t, it’s one less HTTP request/dependency to worry about. You can use a loop instead:

const searchWord = $w('#searchInput').value;
$w('#searchButton').onClick(() => {
$w('#repeater').forEachItem($i => {
if ($i('#text').text.includes(searchWord)) $i('#container').expand();
else $i('#container').collapse();