Send data to Google Sheets from Wix Code

So here is a small trailer on todays video. Here we will send data from Wix Code to a Google Sheet. It works amazingly good in realtime.

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Waiting for the full video

The full video is already out?

Yes, it is out on

You use Zapier… but isn’t the Free Account of Zapier limited to 100 tasks per month ? If I have more than 100 submissions per month will my form data get posted in Google Sheets ?

why can’t I get to the full video. The link sends me to an wix error page.
thank you very much in advance

That is because Andreas is not connected with Wix anymore and so sites will not work.

You can simply search the forum itself for previous posts on this.

You can use the Google Sheets NPM through Wix as stated here.

As Shan has already mentioned you can use Zapier to do this for free or for a price if you want to do more than the free option allows you to do.

Otherwise you can check Nayeli (Code Queen) example here.

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