Shop Currency


I have a pressing issue with Editor X. I am basically quite happy with the service, there’s just one huge (in my opinion) issue. I CAN NOT CHANGE THE CURRENCY IN MY SHOP!!!

Well, I can change currency, but customer payments fail if I do so (because my shop is linked to my bank’s currency and my location). All in all it is extremely inconvenient for me to be tied to my country’s currency.

Basically, I would like my store to process in Euros. That’s it.

How has Editor X still not implemented the currency converter? This should not be up for vote but a basic feature!

I don’t want to leave Editor X, but am losing business over this issue and will have to move on eventually if issues like this persist.


currently, it is not possible to sell products in multiple currencies with Wix Stores, the currency converter is not available on Editor X, but please note it won’t allow receiving different currencies, so it would be only currency display.
At this point, it is a feature request for Wix Stores you can vote for here: