Showing multiple location-tags on google-map.

Hello everybody,

i am working with google-maps trying to show several/multiple locations on the google-map.
I was able to show a single location-tag on the map, but could not achieve my aim to show multiple tags, following this API …

$w("#myGoogleMap").location = {
2                                "latitude": 37.77065,
3                                "longitude": -122.387301,
4                                "description":"Wix Office"
5                              };

…in combination with a for-each-loop an an array.
But this seems not to get working. Still showing just 1 location on the map.

After some research i found some information about using a html-component, to solve my problem.
My question is, if this html-component-method is the only way to solve my issue ?

Ok, i got it! But anyway, thanks for reply :grin: