I am trying to add various locations and markers in one google map

The multiple position for the google map has been selected, but the code below does not work.

let allI = [[ 33.77575 , 43.554444 , “REAL PLACE” ],[ 32.77575 , 63.554444 , “BEST PLACE” ] ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < alll . length ; i ++){
let latt = allI [ i ][ 0 ]
let logi = allI [ i ][ 1 ]
let tsname = allI [ i ][ 2 ]

$w ( “#googleallTeamMaps” ). location [ i ] = {

  "latitude" :  Number ( latt ), 

  "longitude" :  Number ( logi ), 

  "description" :  tsname 



The GoogleMap element only allows one location to be added in code. See the location API for details.

For details on creating a map with multiple locations, see the Example: Multiple Markers Google Maps .