Simple .expand onClick not working.

  • I am producing a repeater fed by collection data and that is filtered by user input from a drop-down selector.

  • I would like the repeater to remain collapsed until the ‘What type of device’ drop-down is clicked, at which point it gets expanded.


  • DataSet => Filter repeaters based on user selection from drop-down selectors above.

  • DataSet => Filter table data in repeaters based on other dataset.

  • deviceType => ‘What type of device’ dropdown.

  • repeater1 => repeater


  • .expand() is not working when onClick event is triggered.

  • .collapse(). DOES work in testing. Very strange.

  • console.log(collapsed) === ‘false’ after event trigger even though nothing is showing and red-line test shows no movement before/after trigger event.

  • Swapped .expand and .collapse around. Expand does not work, Collapse DOES work.

  • Toggled click event handler in Properties & Events panel and also hard-coding.

  • Toggled default collapsed condition in Properties & Events panel and hard-coding.

  • Tried various mouse event triggers - none work that I can tell.

  • Added red line outside repeater to see if it moved before/after trigger. It does not.

$w.onReady(function () {

console.log('Repeater is collapsed?: ', $w("#repeater1").collapsed) 

export function deviceType_click(event) {
console.log('Repeater is collapsed?: ', $w("#repeater1").collapsed);



  • Red line not moved after click event.

  • Collapsed condition console logs before (‘true’) and after (‘false’) click event.

All thoughts gratefully received. Am fully expecting a forehead slapping ‘of course!’ moment as I miss something completely obvious…

Thank you.

Hi there :wave:t2: The big issue I see is that your collapse code is not within the onReady for the page. Your code should look like this:

$w.onReady(function () {
    // This code should be up here
    console.log('Repeater is collapsed?: ', $w("#repeater1").collapsed)

export function deviceType_click(event) {
    console.log('Repeater is collapsed?: ', $w("#repeater1").collapsed);

I would also verify that your click event is registered correctly in the properties panel. Sometimes I accidentally delete or rename things.

If this doesn’t work, you might also try using onChange instead of onClick for the dropdown selector.

Good luck!

That works! Thank you very much and you should be able to hear the sound of me slapping my forehead. I do need to research the in’s and out’s of what goes in and out of the onReady function…

Again, thank you. I can now move on.