Site not working on Mac 10.11.6

I have built a very simple database-driven website to manage a small association membership.
When I built it in January, it worked on my old Ipad 2. I have recently developed it a bit further and now there are problems on Mac. My Ipad can only be updated to IOS 9.3, so I thought the problem was probably unfixable. However some of my users report a similar problem, with one seeing it on a Mac Book Pro running 10.11.6, which should be supported.

The problems are the same on both Safari and Chrome on my Ipad, which makes me think it’s an underlying OS issue

The problems are:

  1. Menu does not work. This is a simple menu set in the header. Clicking the items eventually returns a blank page on the Ipad, with the desired page only appearing after a manual page refresh. The site can be seen at

  2. Member log-in does not work. I have 3 dynamic pages, controlled by wixuser.currentuser.loggedin. The code for the home page, where they log in, is copied almost exactly from the article " How to Build Your Own Members Area Using Code " in the code tutorials. When you click the log-in button on the Ipad, it reacts as if it’s clicked but the page doesn’t change. I suspect it may be similar to the page refresh issue above, but manually refreshing the page just leaves you at the home page. Code is pasted below.

The site works perfectly on Edge, Chrome and Firefox on Widows 10, and on Chrome and Samsung Internet on Android 6. It also works on all free Mac emulators I’ve tried it on, although obviously they don’t replicate the underlying hardware. The user running it on IOS 10.11.6 says it is an old Mac Book Pro which has been upgraded. Another user reports the same problem on a Mac Book Pro but I don’t know the age of the machine.

This site and code could hardly be simpler, surely it should work on all systems even fairly old ones? And anyway IOS 10 and above is supported so surely it should work? If anyone has any suggestions I’d be most grateful.

Home page code:
import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’;

$w.onReady( () => {
if(wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) {
$w(“#loginButton”).label = “Logout”;
else {
$w(“#loginButton”).label = “Login / Sign Up”;
} );

export function loginButton_click(event, $w) {
//Add your code for this event here:
// user is logged in
if(wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) {
// log the user out
.then( () => {
// update buttons accordingly
$w(“#loginButton”).label = “Login”;
} );
// user is logged out
else {
let userId;
let userEmail;

// prompt the user to log in  
wixUsers.promptLogin( {"mode": "login"} ) 
  .then( (user) => { 
    userId =; 
    return user.getEmail(); 
  } ) 
  .then( (email) => { 
    // check if there is an item for the user in the collection 
    userEmail = email; 
    return wixData.query("TBAMembers") 
      .eq("_id", userId) 
  } ) 
  .then( (results) => { 
    // if an item for the user is not found 
    if (results.items.length === 0) { 
      // create an item 
      const toInsert = { 
        "_id": userId, 
        "email": userEmail 
      // add the item to the collection 
      wixData.insert("TBAMembers", toInsert) 
        .catch( (err) => { 
        } ); 
    // update buttons accordingly 
    $w("#loginButton").label = "Logout"; 
  } ) 
  .catch( (err) => { 
  } ); 



export function profileButton_click(event, $w) {
//Add your code for this event here:${});
