Hi, I would like to make a typewriter effect on my Wix with type and backspace and type another text.
I copy this from another side, only able to type once. I want it can change words. Is it able to do it in the wix?
This is my code:
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
let interval;
let timeInterval = 120;
let typeStr = “interactive”;
let typeIdx;
let htmlStr = ‘’;
let displayStr;
$w.onReady( function () {
// Get the original html string, and split it into two pieces.
// In the process, remove the separator !##!
// By saving the original html, we preserve the style of the text to display.
if (htmlStr.length === 0) { // just get the original html text the first time
htmlStr = $w(“#typewriterPage”).html;
$w(“#typewriterPage”).html = ‘’; // don’t show the original text
let strPieces = htmlStr.split(“!##!”);
displayStr = ‘’; // init string that we will “type” to
typeIdx = 0; // start at beginning of string we want to “type”
// Declare an interval function that will run in the background.
// This function will be triggered by the defined timeInterval.
interval = setInterval( function () {
// Get next char from string to be typed and concatenate to the display string.
displayStr = displayStr + typeStr[typeIdx++];
// Make a sandwich with the display string in between the original html pieces.
$w(“#typewriterPage”).html = strPieces[0] + displayStr + strPieces[1];
// Stop the interval from running when we get to the last character to by “typed”.
if (typeIdx === typeStr.length) clearInterval(interval);
}, timeInterval);
I found this on another page, but doesn’t work on my wix.
< type >
< span >this text will be deleted</ span >
</ type >
< wait >500ms</ wait >
< delete data-chars=“21” data-ignore-whitespace=“true”></ delete >
< wait >500ms</ wait >
< type >
told you
</ type >