Skip confirmation emails


I’m having a lot of issues because my clients use business domain emails, and they are not getting the confirmation not reset password emails because they are being sent from a weird address. Is there any way we can register people as Members skipping the confirmation email? This is very frustrating as my clients are not being able to login to my site :frowning:

This forum is dedicated to Corvid. For questions that are not related to code you can contact Wix Customer Care . You’ll get better help for your problem there.

I meant doing it with code. I created a whole customized member’s area, registration and login process using Corvid. Why would you assume I’m not using code?

I used corvid and still, both confirmation and password reset mails are being sent from the default address which is blocked by most of my users.

I didn’t assume that you aren’t using code. However, you asked, " Is there any way we can register people as Members skipping the confirmation email?" You can register members through the Dashboard. See Approving a Site Member . Since this is a non-code issue, i f you need further details or clarification, I would recommend contacting Wix Customer Care .

One coding possibility you might consider is the register() API . That will require some coding to put that in place, but since you are already using code you shouldn’t have a problem.