SOLVED: Button to send SMS Text Message

Is there a code that can be written to have a button initiate a SMS text message? I can add a button to call or to send an email, but I want a text button.

Please, thanks a bunch!!

I’m have google it, check it out:

Please update in your progress.

This doesn’t work…not supported by the Wix Code SDK. How do I make this work on a Wix site?

Hi James,
It works in an iframe.

Wix can send sms via twilio.
No iframe required.
You can call an sms function in the backend from the client side - activated by any element or object (button, table item, repeater item, etc.)
Install the twilio js helper library (MIT) provided by wix under node_modules.

Get a account and phone number (I think you get one free number with their free trial).

Follow the instructions here:
Programmable SMS Quickstart for Node.js

Sample wix code: sendSMS.jsw in Backend (Ignore the “require” error)

Call from the client side:
(number needs “+1” before the zip code).

var number = "+12021234567";
var body = "My text message from wix page here."
sendSMS(number, body);
.then ....

Don’t spam and enjoy responsibly.

I figuered it out… brilliantly… go here: Scroll down Make a button (transparent) … then use the code in the iframe… and place the iframe over a button, or text or whatever you want people to press to open the SMS on your app (in mobile view)

Interesting. I think for most cases Twilio will be the less expensive option, but good to know.

Less expensive? My solution above is completely FREE! :grinning:

your solution is free, but you still have to pay the vendor. I think David was talking about the Twilio price is cheaper than zipwhip

The zipwhip button creator is completely free. My entire solution is free.

Interesting discussion. I would like to implement a button on a dynamic page. Then send an SMS with the company name and link to a list of phone numbers. Has anyone done this and how?

@brainstorrrm I’m extremely green to twilio and corvid. I am running into some challenges in implementing and could use some feedback. I have setup my Twilio account and have purchased a phone number.

Use case:
I have a specific wix landing page with a wix form that records Name, Email and Phone. This form is only for this landing page. Upon a single customer submission I would like the following to occur:
1.) Immediately(day 0) send a text message “Welcome!” using Twilio to the phone number entered on the form.
2.) At 5pm the next day (day 1), send a text message “Book Now!” to the phone number entered on the form.
3.) At 5pm the following day (day 2), send a text message “Have you checked this out?!” to the phone number entered on the form.
4.) At 5pm 14 days after submission (day 14), send a text message “Let me know how it went!” to the phone number entered on the form.

I would like these to be specific to this form and I would like to be able to replicate this functionality for other forms with different text. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

@kyla First, setup the code in my sample and text yourself.
Once you have that working, then you can implement your use case.

The initial sms happens as soon as the user submits the form - you call the sendSMS function in your submit routine.
You must store the initial signup time in a collection (which you’ll do anyway for logging purposes).

For any future sms updates you should set up a daily job scheduler that checks the signup times in your user collection and sends an sms based on your requirements (day1-14).

Hi @kylesalone just reading your post regarding zipwhip - I’m completely new to developing just a few weeks in. With regards to your experience of using zipwhip, does it allow for member to member texting through wix do you know?

@thomas80559 No sir… not that I am aware of.

Easy to implement with Corvid and Twilio.
Have a page that does just that and more for a client.

Hi Brainstorm,
Always interested in new ideas around Corvid and Twilio . I did get my version to work and it has customized messages as well. I was not able to hide the link with a hotlink.

Old post reappeared, closed.