Spellcheck for Rich Text Element/ Input

#WixVelo velo #Elements #wixeditor
We think it would be beneficial to add a spellcheck to the RTI (rich text input) for a few reasons.
We use the RTI for multiple websites. Some of them are for educational purposes. When schools use these products, it is important for students to have their checked. When you are also using the RTI for work products and personal, it would be more professional to have the spelling be correct. Other elements, including text inputs and text boxes have spellcheck. You could just say “double check your work and skim for mistakes” but if you don’t know how to spell a word or you don’t see a mistake, it can be hard. You could also say “use a text box instead”. But it’s not possible or easy to have rich text capabilities in a text box.

This may seem like a small feature, but it is important.



I totally agree and take it a step further. The rich text box is in serious need of help. It needs an undo button (maybe even a redo button). The link maker looks virtually unusable. The selector for changing text to titles and back is weak. Also, like paxaurora6 said, the lack of spell check is alarming. I’m setting up a writing platform for my clients, one where they can share what they write publicly. I feel really bad that they won’t be able to spell check right in the box. They’re going to have a less than convenient time changing to titles, and a hard time adding links. This will be a turn-off for my clients, in turn, making them less likely to stay subscribed.

I’ve been a writer for years and would shy away from my own writing platform because of the RT box. It should be more like the one I’m using to type this right now.

@sk5594 Hey! Great input! I suggest creating a new post with this in the Feedback area (since the initial post is very old). In the meantime, I’m going to close this topic to help others in the future.