Sticky Breakpoint Help

Can someone help with my tablet breakpoints when using sticky position type? (The desktop is great, but not transferring over to tablet or mobile)

Wix Studio Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
I am trying to have my desktop design represented in Tablet and Mobile breakpoints. I started to have problems with the sticky elements once I created a new section below the sticky section.

What have you already tried:
I tried to hire a person from the marketplace, but they referred me to this forum.

Additional information:
I have a design background and new to Wix Studio. I can navigate most things, but having a lot of trouble with responsive behavior.

Hey @Ed_Brooks! :wave:

Sure thing - what seems to be up with the sticky on tablet? Have you got any photos/video showing what’s happening, or maybe even a link to the site?

Hi Noah,
I appreciate your response and apologies for the slight delay. Here is a video of the following:
– The desktop is working perfect.
– The tablet / mobile you could see the (3) sticky sections ( 100% Natural, Hypoallergenic and No Harsh Chemicals) are overlaping on the “Team” next seation.


Here is the link to the website:

Let me know if you need anything else, thanks in advance for your feedback!


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I’m having this exact issue. No matter what I do, the content that should flow up while the background image sticks doesn’t flow until the next section appears, making it layer on top of the next section. Only happens in tablet and mobile breakpoints. Desktop works great. Would love some feedback!

Okay it looks like I figured it out. For anyone that ends up in this situation! It looks like the sticky property was enabled on multiple layers. For me, it was some how enabled on the “Section Grid” layer as well as the background image in the cell. I don’t believe I ever enabled sticky on the section grid, but it was somehow auto applied between breakpoints. Hopefully that helps!

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It’s also possible to move to tablet> select the section> right click> “Remove Overrides”.

This way, it’ll basically be the desktop breakpoint just on tablet (it’ll have all the same settings) until you make changes. It removes any automatically applied overrides which often makes it easier to resolve these issues :slight_smile:

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