Issues with sticky section

Hi all,

I’m using the sticky function to bring in various design elements as the user scrolls, but once they are done, the following section will move over / cover the sticky section. I would really like the page to simply continue scrolling.

Here is the site:

As you can see, the orange section comes over the previous section.

Is there a way that the orange section could simply ‘push up’ the section before it?

It seems that the page will function this way once it reaches the footer, but I can’t work out how to make it respond this way before the user gets to the end of the page.


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Which elements have you set to sticky?

The ’ Programmes and Services’ section, and then the following 3 sections that slide in on the right side of the screen - they are all sticky.

But then the next section always comes and slides over the top of those sections, rather than pushing them up.

Does that help?

I am having this same issue. Was this ever resolved?

I am having the same issue too. Any update on the solution?