Store slider gallery settings won't load?

Is it just me or is there an issue with the product slider gallery settings in the Wix editor?

I’ve tried on two different devices and it won’t load the settings for any Wix Stores slider gallery. It just shows a continuous loading. Everything else seems to be working just fine and loading including the Wix Stores grid galleries.

Hey there!

I just gave it a go in my site and the settings loaded up without any issues. It’s great that you tried some troubleshooting by trying two different devices. Did you notice if there are any console errors when you try accessing the settings?

I see that you opened a ticket with support so that they can look into this further for you, I’ll follow along to keep an eye on it.

Where the slider galleries are they say “Wix Stores undefined”.

Now I added a new slider gallery and it allows me to pull up the settings, but only one the new one I added… I’d rather not have to re-add new slider galleries (inconvenient) , but it seems I might have too.

Just a note… I have fixed the issue by just duplicating the sliders and deleting the old ones.