Style menu text based on page url

Hi i am wondering how I can style the menu text based on page url?
The style property does not work on $w(#horizontalMenu1).style … Anytime i add style prop, it is being highlighted with red. I also tried to add styleElement and other property, but it seems like #horizontalMenu1 cannot be styled.


That’s correct, menus don’t have a style property. Can you share a bit more about your usecase?

Hi Anthony,
So basically when i am on my landing page (home) my hero section is transparent with a background video. Suits well with a white logo + white menu text…
Now on my Contact page i want the header with a white background and the menu text (horizontal navigation ) to be colored with a black!
So depending on wich url the user is into i want to be able to have a custom color on the menu text.