Sync Live Database

I have the following code to update dataset

export function button3_click(event, $w) {
	$w("#dataset1").setFieldValue("golin", parseInt($w('#input2').value, 10));
	$w("#dataset1").setFieldValue("golout", parseInt($w('#input3').value, 10));

why on live database I can not find the updates?
With preview it’s works


Hi Claudio,

the code looks alright (although, I would drop the first save() call and would send both updates with a single save).

In preview, the changes should go to sandbox. For a published site, any data operation will work with the live database.

Can you share the editor link for your site, so we can inspect?

Is here

The page of menu is “inserimento”


I solved with the permissions of the collection.

Good to know!

thank you so much