Tablet formFactor


wixWindow.formFactor returns ‘Desktop’ rather than ‘Tablet’ on Safari for iPad. Is there another way of identifying that the device is a tablet?

Any help gratefully received.

Many thanks,


On Classic Editor, Tablet usually display Desktop view, (or the tablet browser defaults to Desktop view) so it returns desktop.

You can use getBoundingRect( ) to have greater control.

Does it works?

I thought it should return Tablet in this case.
Anyway, as an alternative, you can add an iframe (or a custom element) to the page and retrieve the device type from the user agent (google it). then post it from the iframe to the parent page and continue from there.

I also had a problem with this. I ended up just making my own function for it using getBoundingRect()

import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

export function formFactor() {
       return wixWindow.getBoundingRect()
        .then((windowSizeInfo) => {
            if (windowSizeInfo.window.width < 751) {
                return "Mobile"
                if (windowSizeInfo.window.width < 1001) {
                    return "Tablet"
                    return "Desktop"

But this way you can’t know if it is a tablet or maybe a desktop with the browser window not being maximized on load (to distinct between these 2 options, you’ll go for the user agent solution).

Thanks all for the responses. I went for the user agent solution. Full of useful information!