Test Card for Payments

#corvid #wixPay #wixPayBackend #wixstores #wixPaidPlans #FeatureRequest

Articles like this recommend setting products/plans to free or accepting manual payments for testing; however, it would be perfect to have a test card, similar to Stripe test cards for testing these corvid features: wixPay , wixPayBackend , wixPaidPlans

… and of course it would be useful for Wix Store owners

This feature request is similar, but seems to be for connecting, not testing payments.


I would love to be able to test stores that would be an awesome new feature :slight_smile:

Bumping this in hopes of more visibility. This is critically needed. The fact that you have to run actual transaction to test payments is ridiculous.

Being able to test multiple response scenarios (Successful, Pending, Declined, etc.) is vital too.


I recently wanted to do this also only to find it cumbersome and out-of-date. There have been ways to test e-commerce sites for years now with fake credit card numbers. Here are some:
American Express378282246310005 and 371449635398431
American Express Corporate378734493671000
BankCard (Australia) 5610591081018250
Diners Club30569309025904 and 38520000023237
Discover6011111111111117 and 6011000990139424
JCB 3530111333300000 and 3566002020360505
MasterCard 5555555555554444 and 5105105105105100
Visa 4111111111111111, 4012888888881881 and 4222222222222

I wish Wix would as you say “bump” this up the ladder. We need to see what the customer sees when they check out.