Text box not showing lowest lines of text

Wix Studio Editor
I’m not new to making websites on Wix but I am new to Wix Studio and boy oh boy is it different!
I chose a template, then I tried to add text into an existing text box and edit it BUT …

When I try to edit text in the text box, I can’t see all the text in the box, it went below the edges of the text box. It wouldn’t let me scroll down, or select text and use the arrow to go below the edge of the box either. I couldn’t figure out how to make that text box longer, so I could see all the text in one go.

So I had to paste in the lowest portion of text first, edit and made sure it was ok, then I pasted in the top portion - at this time the lowest lines of text went out of view and I couldn’t scroll to see them, or figure out how to make the box bigger.

So I can’t see or edit all the text once it went out of view - weird. However, when I look at preview, all the text shows. Problem is, I have to go to preview just to check what’s happening in the bottom lines of text.

I tried changing the font size to very small to see if it was just about the text being locked in size somehow, but it made no difference. Even when the font was very small, it would still never show those bottom lines while editing. I tried to drag the lower part of the text box to make it longer, I couldn’t figure it out. I guess it’s some weird new kind of box.

What am I not understanding?

Hey @Robyn_Kamira!

Awesome to hear you’re giving Studio a go :muscle:

I think I’m following, but are you able to share a screenshot or two (or maybe a video) of what you’re experiencing so I can double-check I’m following correctly?

Hi Noah, I’ve attached an image showing what it looks like when I go to “text edit” mode - I cannot get below the “fold” of the text box to the remaining few lines. Even if I put my cursor at the end of what I can see, when I use the arrow button on my keybd to move the cursor further down, I simply lose sight of it as well. I also can’t find a way to extend the text box to make it longer. The image shows to the end of #3, then a space, but there are three more lines of text below that.

Second image showing all the text in preview mode

Ahhhh okay - I’m with you now. It’s kinda like when editing the text the font increases slightly and spills out the bottom of the bounding box.

Seems like it might be a bug, so worth reporting it here.

I’ll also share it internally. In the meantime, perhaps copying the text into a text editor like Google Docs, making the changes then pasting back in will help.

But definitely something funky happening here.

I feel so much better hearing that from you, thank you for taking the time. Yes, I’ve been writing the text in “Notes” then pasting it into the Wix Studio text box in small sections starting from the bottom, up so I can edit what I can see.