Trying to edit text in a text box makes font tiny and it's infuriating

What am I doing wrong?

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
I want to edit text inside the text box. This should be super simple. I double click inside the text box or I click the button “Edit Text” and it turns all text into about 2-point font. I need to cmd-z to undo it and keep trying and trying until I happen to get a cursor in edit mode. The product can’t be this dumb, so I’m sure I’m doing something wrong?

What have you already tried:
I don’t know how many more ways to try editing text in a text box.
I’ve searched this help forum and maybe not using the right search terms but I can’t find anything related.

I have a screen recording, but I can’t upload there here, so hopefully this image helps tell the story.

Hey @Heather_LeRoy!

I’m moving this over to Feedback - in the meantime, this does seem frustrating.

Out of curiosity, was this text pasted into the editor? Or was it all typed out manually?

If pasted, perhaps there are some formatting issues that are being held onto. On PC, you can paste with Ctrl + Shift + V, and Mac, Mmd + Shift + V.

Any other info would be great :slight_smile:

It could definitely be due to that. I noticed that in the Fonts box, it said “My Fonts” which is probably a bad sign. And this also explains why I get this in only some text boxes, but not all. I re-selected the “Style” and that seemed to clear it up.