Text boxes shifting in multilingual

Hi! This may not be something that can be fixed, but I would really appreciate it if anyone has a solution.

I finished the English version of my website, and then added the language switcher to create a version in French. I put all the content in, resized text boxes as needed and shifted elements accordingly to make the layout work. I thought I was done, and went back to the English, but now my English layout has giant spaces in it!!! I’m now going back and forth trying to fix the English, which messes up the French, and going back and forth until either one has to give or both look terrible.

I understand that changes to the English will affect the French, but shouldn’t things I do to the French not affect the English??

I almost need a way to like… unlink the French from the English to edit the layout independently? I doubt this is possible but I just wanted to ask. I feel like I’m going crazy here!

It looks like you are having issues with a Wix Multilingual app, which is not related to coding. I recommend you to contact Wix Support at https://www.wix.com/contact/en for further assistance. Have a great day!