Text theme being overridden?

The text in the design has a specific font and colour yet when the deployed site has a different font and colour. It is being loaded from the database and i have an admin page that uploads the content and it goes to a rich text field in the database. The data is loaded by a wixdata query when a user clicks an icon.


I don’t think that solves the issue unless i am confused about something. I get the formatting of rich text in the field such as size and text being italic or bold. There is no rich tech property i can see when i get the raw rich text from the db, all i see are standard rich tech formatting so the font info must be a property in the db that i can’t see. Why is it that the text font and colour i submit to the database ends up as another type of font and colour when displayed. I know the other rich text formatting is carrying through.


If you are using rich text from a field in your dataset, that field needs to be a rich text type.
Then when you click on that field you will get the settings window come up.

Also, have a read of this post too.


The input box where i update from is a rich text editor
the field in the database is rich text type
the destination is a paragraph

if i change some text to bold that works fine so i don’t think it is an issue with it being rich text. The issue as it seems is the paragraph is overriding its settings and displaying a different font. The text that i send to the database is set to the font i want so it is feeding the database with the right data and metadata.


I am not the only one see here


The rich text (HTML) in a $w.Text component has a limited feature set , and one of its primary limitations is the inability to set the font face and size of the text. If you save rich text (HTML) into a database collection using the screen’s $w.Text component, then it will display correctly on other $w.Text components that you use elsewhere on your site. If you save rich text into the data collection in some other way, you might not be using the exact limited feature set as the $w.Text component, and it will not display correctly.

data in the db is set fine - its the paragraph component that isnt honouring its own settings or the data from the database.

I can see from your screen shot, that you are using the HTML editor from the database. This won’t work as it has formatting features that do not exist in the $w.Text component. You need to compose your text using the $w.Text and then save it. It will then display correctly.


I am doing that, the image was to show that the data in the db is what i want it to be. the problem is the colour of the test is grey not black as it should be

image of how the data is edited and added to the database.

example of end result - it is grey and not black (in the editor when typing it in, the test looks exactly like i want it

what i mean shown side by side (as you can see the editor font is darker in colour than what is shown on the page

I’ll look at this a little closer and consult with QA. on this.


Hi Yisrael

Any update on this? I am looking to go live with the site next week and this light coloured text isn’t great

just an update, it looks like the font replacing the one i want is “Dinn Next Light”

any update this is urgent now:

inspecting the site when browsing the style sheet has this

.font_3 {
font: normal normal normal 22px/1.4em din-next-w01-light,din-next-w02-light,din-next-w10-light,sans-serif; color: #707070;

the html has this

data goes here

I can’t find anywhere to set this. The paragraph elements are rich text and set to black. The input rich text is set to black when inserting and looks right when inserting. When i edit it in the DB the font and colour reflect what was inserted. This seems to be some sort of general site theme that i can’t find anywhere. The colour 707070 is grey.

Hi @waynetheron could you please share link to the page on your website, where you see the issue?

Please email me at waynetheron@gmail.com and ill send you the login details for the site and where to observe the issue. Thank you

Hi @waynetheron Thank you for provided info. I’ve took a closer look at the issue and here is what I think is happening:
Rich text field in database has its own theme, which you can see in rich text editor here
By default, this theme is taken from Wix Editor text styles, unless you change it intentionally in the rich text editor, by selecting text and applying a new style. Also, you can change style by manipulating with the html data you’re passing to the text component on your website (e.g. wrap it with beforehand).

The easiest solution will be to change problematic text theme style in Wix Editor.
To do this:

  1. Click here to check which theme do you use in the database.
  2. Open any page in the Wix Editor and add new text component
  3. Double click on the text component to open its settings panel
  4. Open Themes dropdown and select your theme from database. By default, it is Pragaraph2
  5. Change text color to black and click Save Theme => see screenshot
    Note that if you’re using text components with this theme in any part of your site, it will override their style as well

Please let me know if that helps.

Meanwhile, I’ll check with our developers if it is possible to properly display theme style inside rich text editor in the database, just to avoid confusion in future.

that’s done it! you are a champ - thank you so much

This does not work on my site. I change theme for text element in editor to theme in database and it still doesn’t work