Too Many Bugs and Lackings

I’ve been using Wix for almost two years. I’m fed up with some of its bugs and lackings. Here are the ones I recently noted.


  • Editor cannot remember/save the design of saved sections.
    So, each time I add a saved section, I need to apply all custom design changes to the copied one from scratch.
    E.g., background color opacity of an event list component.
  • Sometimes, the order of the components (e.g., sections) on a page randomly changes.
  • Sometimes, design changes applied recently go away.
  • Sometimes, some sections cannot be moved up and down on the page.
  • On an English page, once I saw a German word – Gäste (guests).
  • In the “about the event” section, Turkish-specific characters (e.g., ğ) cannot be displayed in the selected font family even though they can be displayed in other sections on the same page.
  • Sometimes, it resists changing the order of components. It requires trying it many times. It may or may not work. Pressing the arrow button quickly repeatedly may work.
  • When trying to change the order of the elements, many of them may go off the page.
  • HTML char ⯆ is seen on desktop but not on mobile inside the calendar component.
  • Saved section with a repeater inside cannot be “totally” transferred between pages. It ignores many design preferences.
  • The pinning function (sticking elements to the page) is not always working properly – a pinned element does not show consistent behavior, such as its place on the page.


  • Event categories are not in alphabetical order.
  • Event types cannot be changed later (ticketed/RSVP events).
  • Dates of currently ongoing events cannot be changed
  • Events that started in the past but are currently ongoing cannot be created – you have to set a date later than now or an end date earlier than now.
  • I cannot see a way to customize the “Load More” button in the Wix events component.
  • When location is on, it displays the open/detailed address too, which is typically too long.
  • I’m not allowed to customize the calendar design for mobile.
  • I have to do the same search again after I open/edit a record in the result set (admin panel)
  • The hover-over issue: Say, I select three texts at once and switch over to design and pick a color. Then, to finish the color selection, I move onto the close (x) button, but it changes the color of all the texts “but one” (weird) to the color I last hovered over – the color palette is on the shortest path to the close button!
  • Subscription lightbox appears even though the user was already subscribed – this should have been handled automatically.
  • It’s too hard to select event times – it could be made easier with some logic.
  • With the new UI, now it’s even harder to select categories (no autocomplete and no alphabetical order)
  • There is no option to filter events to display on the page, except for a single category selection. E.g., I may need to display only today’s events or events from multiple categories.

It seems like I am not allowed to edit my post anymore, so I will add new bugs and lackings I encounter as comments.


  • Sometimes, an unexpected element appears on the design screen as if I accidentally clicked somewhere and added an element to the page.
  • When I change the design properties of a repeater (moving components of repeater), data connections of components (text, image, etc.) on the repeater may get lost on the designer.
  • Sometimes, a component’s size changes by itself – I’ve just observed that repeater items got gradually smaller before my eyes.
  • Sometimes, it takes great effort to make the “page background settings” popup visible.


  • The repeater component has no image scaling options (fit, stretch, etc.).
  • A link component is necessary. I need to make a text (event title) a link on a repeater, but I don’t see any options to achieve this. The only option seems to be to use a link button, but with the button, it is impossible to display long text in multiple lines.
  • I couldn’t find how to customize the “load more” button text.
  • The event list component lacks so many fundamental features: no filtering by date, no filtering by multiple categories

I have more than 20 event pages – each of them represents a main or subcategory. Because of some of these lackings and bugs, I need to take care of each of them individually even though they are identical in terms of functionality and appearance.

@karr Thank you for your detailed feedback! Your input is greatly valued, and rest assured, each suggestion is being carefully noted. Your examples are incredibly helpful as we continue working with our teams to implement updates for the products. Just out of curiousity, what is the one main area you would say that you’ve had the most trouble with? I want to make sure I highlight it in my feedback.


  • The event list component lacks so many fundamental features: no filtering by date, no filtering by multiple categories – because of that limitation, for instance, I cannot use the component to list only today’s events.
  • The way you reach the recurring events on the admin UI is counterintuitive. It’s not enough to access an occurrence of the event series to update it. First, you have to filter out the recurring events and find the one you are looking for among too many of them – if you use an additional filter option, it switches to listing all events but not only recurring ones.
  • Main images on event list components are not linked to the event detail page.
  • The “Add More Dates” process starts with a time irrelevant to the previously set ones.
  • After selecting a date and time and switching to the recurring date option, the date and time would be transferred to the new screen.
  • The search result list is not customizable – I would like to display the event location name, not the full address.
  • The number of events a list component loads each time (items per page) is not customizable.
  • When I share a link to a sub-page, it opens the main page. For instance, the main page is /stage, and one of its sub-pages is /theater, and when I want to share a link to, the link takes you to

Hi Pamela,

I appreciate your interest.

The following are the issues that are most crucial to me. They are in the order of importance.


  • Editor cannot remember/save the design of saved sections.
  • Saved section with a repeater inside cannot be “totally” transferred between pages. It ignores many design preferences.


  • There is no option to filter events to display on the page, except for a single category selection.


  • Event categories are not in alphabetical order.


  • Event type cannot be changed once the event has been created (from ticketed to RSVP and vice versa).
  • Dates of currently ongoing events cannot be changed
  • Events that started in the past but are currently ongoing cannot be created


  • I cannot see a way to customize the “Load More” button in the Wix events component.


  • Sometimes, some sections cannot be moved up and down on the page.


  • When the location option is on, it displays the open/detailed address as well, which is typically too long.


  • I have to do the same search again after if I open/edit a record from the result set (result set is not preserved) (admin UI)


  • Subscription lightbox appears even though the user was already subscribed

Thank you,