I contacted help about this, but it’s been weeks since it was escalated to the programmers without any answer/resolution and I’m still having issues.
I’ve been wanting to redo my website that was built on Wix, but I want to transfer it to EditorX for the revisions. I got rid of any apps that aren’t compatible with EditorX, duplicated my site and tried with a copy, tried in different browsers, clearing caches, everything. I’ve tried at least 10 times and every time it gets to 99% and fails for unknown reasons.
@coach Thank you so much for the ticket number, I can see it was mishandled and never replied to since being passed along to our developers for further review. I have pinged the team and set the ticket status as High Priority. With more visibility on your ticket they will update you accordingly. I will keep my eye out on this ticket!
Finally got unstuck with a couple refreshes when trying today but my lord I have a lot to learn. My particular template is nowhere near where I need it when transferred. It’ll be quicker to do a complete rebuild.
Do you happen to know if the student discount can be used on editor x? I just realized there is a price difference between it and the other editor plans.
@sayreambrosio I can check with the team, but I won’t have an answer for a few hours. They are asleep (I should be as well lol), but I’ll check in once they’re in and provide an update.
That’s perfect. If it isn’t that’s okay I can stay on the old editor but thought I would ask. I have a month on the backup site before I move it all back and plan on doing some work behind the scenes so no rush. Get some sleep.
[@Steven] don’t worry about checking if you’re still waiting on an answer. I tried the student code and it does not include Editor X.
I’m gonna stick with the regular editor for now and cross my fingers that you have a half off sale on a Ascend again soon. I didn’t have the money this past week when it was on sale but I have it now. So here’s hoping I hold onto it until then. Lol.