Transferring wix studio to a wix premium who has a page with connected domain

[I have client for whom I have designed a page in Wix Studio. He has a pagwe with Wix Premium already. The plan is to use my design instead of his, but i want him to have his domain connected to my new page. I don’t want to screw it up and make it correctly. Do i just transfer the page and connect it to the new design ? Is that possible ? What happens to the old page ? Will it be deleter ? Can I still use it to transfer posts and SEO ? PLEASE HELP !!!]

[Wix Studio, Wix Editor Premium.]

What are you trying to achieve:
[Explain the details of what you are trying to achieve. The more details you provide, the easier it is to understand what you need.]

What have you already tried:
[I haven’t tried anything yet cause I need to know how to go about it before i break something :D.]