Unable to use Title field to link to dynamic page

Coming from the Drupal world, I have many times created the functionality of a listing page, and each item in the list links to a details page. From everything I have seen in the documentation and videos, this should be easily doable with Wix/Corvid. However, I have yet to be able to make it work.

Following the documentation, I have

  1. Created a database and populated it with data
  2. Created a dynamic page, attached it to the data set, and added fields to the page. I can browse through the records in my dataset with the page.
  3. Created a new page, and added a repeater and the data set. I only want to display the Title and Description. so that’s all I add.
  4. Selected the text field, go to Settings, and select the Link icon. Select the dynamic page (Services (Title) (Dynamic) in my case).

When I preview the listing page, it shows all of my items, and the title is underlined as a link However, there is no link in the tag, so the link doesn’t work. Is this functionality not supposed to work in preview mode?

Second, and a related item, is that the page I created is called Services , so I want to use a URL of /services .However, when I try to use that URL on my menu setting, it tells me it’s already taken.I had created another Services listing page via the UI earlier but deleted it, What I want is for my listing page to be at /services , and my dynamic pages to be at /services/{title} . Is there a way to delete that old URL that’s laying around somewhere?

As you are posting in the Wix Corvid Forum, then we need to know if you are using any code for this and if so what code you have used, paste it up and screenshots of page are good too.

However, if you are just linking to dynamic pages through the Wix Editor settings themselves, then as you are not using code and your question is not code related.

You would be much better suited going through Wix Support directly and reading the support pages about links to dynamic pages.




Sorry, I’ve seen multiple similar issues that did not require code in these forums, so it seemed to be the appropriate place.