Understanding the Jumpy Canvas and Breakpoint Discrepancies When Switching Between Section and Headers/Footers in Wix Studio


When working in Wix Studio, you might notice that the canvas behaves unexpectedly when switching between sections and the header. Specifically, you may experience a ‘jumpy’ effect on the canvas and see a different number of breakpoints. This can be perplexing, but it boils down to how Wix Studio handles editing sizes and breakpoints for different parts of your website.

Different Number of Breakpoints for Sections and Header:

In Wix Studio, page sections and the header are treated as distinct entities with their own editing environments. This means:

  • Page Sections: These are the main content areas of your site. When you edit these sections, the canvas adjusts to fit the section’s design and layout requirements. They are typically optimized for various screen sizes using a set of predefined breakpoints. These breakpoints ensure that the content looks good on different devices, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Header/Footer: The header/footer is a global element that appears consistently across multiple pages. It has its own set of design and layout parameters. Since the header/footer is a global section, it has its own set of breakpoints. These breakpoints may differ from those used in the page sections to maintain consistency across the entire site.

When you switch between editing a section and the header, you might see a different number of breakpoints. This occurs because each element (the section and the header/footer) has its own responsive design settings. This is what creates the jumpy canvas as it adjusts to suit the breakpoint.

Understanding Global Sections and Their Breakpoints:

Global sections, like the header, have unique properties and breakpoints because they are designed to be consistent across all pages of your website. Here are a few key points to understand:

  • Global Consistency: Headers are global sections meant to maintain uniformity across your site. Any changes made to the header will reflect on all pages, ensuring a consistent look and feel.
  • Separate Breakpoints: Global sections have their own set of breakpoints to handle responsiveness independently from individual page sections. This helps in managing different design requirements and ensuring that global elements adjust correctly on various devices.

Adding Additional Breakpoints to Global Sections:

If you want the global sections like headers and footers to match the breakpoints of your page sections, you can add additional breakpoints to these global sections. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Access Global Section Settings: Go to the settings of the header or footer section.
  • Add Breakpoints: In the responsive settings, add the breakpoints that match those of your page sections. This will ensure that the header/footer adapts similarly to the page sections when viewed on different devices.
  • Adjust Design: Make any necessary adjustments to the design at these new breakpoints to ensure a cohesive look across your entire site.

By aligning the breakpoints of global sections with those of your page sections, you can create a more consistent and harmonious user experience, reducing the ‘jumpy’ effect when switching between editing environments.


To summarize, the ‘jumpy’ canvas and different number of breakpoints when switching between sections and the header in Wix Studio are due to the distinct editing environments and responsive design settings for these elements. Understanding that global sections like headers have their own breakpoints will help you navigate and manage your design more effectively. By adding additional breakpoints to global sections to match those of your page sections, you can create a seamless and responsive website experience.

Happy Designing!

Remember, designing a website is both a creative and technical journey. By understanding these nuances and making the necessary adjustments, you can enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your site. Keep exploring, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of your design skills. Happy designing, and we look forward to seeing your amazing creations in the Wix Studio community!