update for wix restaurant online ordering

Would be interested in that constellation as well with regard to reservations! Can you somehow change the “sender’s name” for reservation confirmations/rejections? (e.g. text: “WIXREST” / mail: “New restaurant”) And maybe adapt as well the general content - more customizable to the restaurant?

In this current time of Covid-19 has anything further progressed with this or other suggestions for Wix Restaurants? #featurerequest

I’d really love to see some kind of eCommerce tracking with online restaurant orders! We are now seeing all this revenue come in from online but have NO IDEA where its coming from… our email, social media, organic traffic… etc.

Thanks Erica! Great feedback and feature request =)

I will be appreciate if Wix Restaurant Team add Tip selections into Online Order soon!

Please add ‘Order at Table’ in additional to collection and delivery options. Allowing customers to enter or select a table number when ordering, that will appear on the kitchen print out.

This is essential for restaurants to perform contactless ordering and service during the pandemic, particularly in the UK where it is a Government requirement to trade.

The lack of this current service, or addressing the subject is forcing many businesses to source an alternate online sales provider or app. Wix is missing a major market right now, and potentially losing custom. #featurerequest

Thanks, Cwil for the feedback! We will share with the Wix Restaurant team.

Hey Everyone! We are organizing a #MindMeld you’ve been waiting for: Wix Restaurants!
In this Mind Meld, you’ll have the opportunity to share your feedback about Wix Restaurants directly with the Wix Restaurants team. RSVP here .

I have sooooo much feedback for #wixtresturants after setting up several with very specific ordering requests!

Great! Please feel free to post your thoughts here or open a new post, the #WixRestaurants team appreciates all feedback!

@sheyla its honestly WAY too much to type. I a lot of valuable feedback tho, I’ve placed over 20 support calls to wix with issues within the ordering system, lost clients due to the serious limitations within the app and I believe it should be updated to keep up with demand ASAP or I will stop offering it as a service.

I am sitting on hold for the 3rd time this with support right now :slight_smile:

@shannahbrazenlee did you get anywhere with this request?

@annahelise Is this being developed? It really doesn’t seem like a stretch on the existing capability. Simply replace phone number in the checkout with a drop down table list that can be defined by user.

I did not. I also lost a pizza franchise due to the limitations. I hear there is a new update I will have to check it out.