update for wix restaurant online ordering

when there will be an update for wix restaurant online ordering.


Great question. You know it’s been a while since we heard from the restaurant team - perhaps we need a round table :slight_smile: what do you think?

Yes Definitely

Great to see the app updated during the week to know it’s still under development. A lot of people rely on it and so it would be great to see a list of bugfixes/feature roadmap or equivalent. It’s a good product with a lot of potential and with just a small bit of attention would be great.

Sign me up for the roundtable. :+1:t2:

Any progress here? Would love to hear of any developments.

Yes @brett-haralson is there any update from restaurant team? We are very excited to know

I’m working on a round table! I hope to announce soon. Are sure you are subscribed to the WIX community YouTube channel. :slight_smile: I will also post here.

Just checking in if any movement on this? I’ve subscribed to Wix YouTube but no word.

I checked - I couldn’t iron out a date for them :(. i failed you :frowning:

Typical from the Wix Restuarants team… :slight_smile:

Noooooo! They love you :slight_smile:

We believe in you Brett. If you believe in yourself it will all happen.

Anything new on this? With no word on continued support/developments I’ve had to start putting the pieces in place to move our brands to a different web-order platform :pensive:

I own my own self-developed order system named FEASTBOT. you can see a sample here @ https://orders.feastbot.com/ekc07066 - I decided to ditch the maintenance overhead an pay for WiX Restaurants premium business plan. Somewhat disappointed in a few key missing features. Here’s what it needs:
1A. A way to modify the fonts and more accordion drop down presentation control is a must, not just being able to mod the colors! Look at how nice Grubhub is on mobile.
1B. Responsive on iPhone automatically redirected, not the silly clickable bar!
2. Ability to add a discount to entire order using promo code.
3. Ability to add a surcharge ($ amt or % amt) to entire order as commission fee.
4. Ability to add tax to entire order.
All above should be a global one time entry field, not dish by dish.
5. Account setup via email, how can it only be using Facebook? My clients need to capture their customer base info! What if someone doesn’t have a FB account and does not wish to continue as Guest?

Which did you use? Square?

@brett Any updates on this?

Hey my friend - I’m afraid I don’t have any updates for you. :frowning: I’ll poke again.

Hi @rishabh-jain !

I just wanted to update you on your question :slight_smile:

I spoke to the product team and it looks like at the moment there aren’t any new features planned specific to online ordering.

That’s really sad news :frowning:

Does anyone know if you can update/edit the automated email that goes out when an order is placed using Wix Order Online for Restaurants? I know I can customize automated emails from chat inquiries, but it seems like this is locked. Any work arounds?